Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
I really enjoyed creating this painting of Peggy’s Cove. Historically, light houses remind me of a time when navigation was the dominant form of travel. I used to spend summers visiting the Maritimes and loved visiting the rugged coastline seeing the power of the waves and smelling the saltiness of the air. I also spent time in Sagres in the most Western tip of Portugal and this painting represents feelings that I had while visiting both these places. In particular because Nova Scotia and Portugal represent the boundaries of the Altantic ocean, I was thinking about what it would be like to leave the safety of land and enter into the great unknown, if sailing from either port. I also painted the concept of the Northern Lights on the right of the painting to highlight the optimistic dreamer’s mentality that many sailors must have to leave safety and security.
Size: 60x36