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When I was around Five

When I was around Five

As memories start to fade and hands not as steady, the surfer, now Patient x, returns to thoughts of his childhood. When I was around Five, shows one of his fondest: just a simple day in the sun, enjoying swinging from a redwood in the forest behind his house. The painting uses thrown paint as an overlay to convey the haziness of our memories as we age and even more so when we lose our faculties. As Patient x goes through his journey of regular MRIs, biopsies, and cognitive testing, he returns to comforting scenes such as these to temporarily distract him from his ensuing mental decline. The right of the painting uses warmer tones to depict the idea of the hope to which Patient x clings as he tries to heed his doctor’s advice. 

When I was Around Five
72 inches x 48 inches
Acrylic on canvas

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